Brunello Rosa, "Data Laws Or Data Wars”, The World Today – Chatham House, Vol. 76/number 2, April & May 2020, (“Rebooting Life After The Pandemic”), 3 April 2020, pp. 36-37
Brunello Rosa, “Final bell for EU integration”, The World Today – Chatham House, Volume 75/Number 2, April & May 2019, (“Cultural Pitfalls of Brexit”), 5 April 2019, pp. 19-21
Brunello Rosa, “Italy thumbs its nose at EU”, The World Today - Chatham House, Vol. 74/Volume 2, April & May 2018 (“The Cancer In the Global System”), 4 April 2018, pp. 32-33
Brunello Rosa, “Five Years To Reshape A Europe That Can Work, Blueprint For A Viable EU", The World Today - Chatham House, Volume 73/Number 3, June & July 2017 (“Reshaping A Europe That Can Work”), pp. 10-13
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, "Is the New Stagflation Policy-Proof?", Project Syndicate, The World’s Opinion Page, 30 March 2022
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, "Why Italy's Presidential Election Matters", Project Syndicate, The World’s Opinion Page, 24 November 2021
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, "Europe’s Non-Hamiltonian Muddle", Project Syndicate, The World’s Opinion Page, 1 June 2020
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, “The Makings of a 2020 Recession and Financial Crisis”, Project Syndicate, The World’s Opinion Page, 13 September 2018
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, “Italy’s Slow-Motion Euro Train Wreck”, Project Syndicate, The World’s Opinion Page, 1 June 20
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, “La Gestación De Una Recesión Y Crisis Financiera En 2020”, World Economic Forum Agenda, 17 September 2018
Brunello Rosa and Benedict Poettering, “Can a Centre-Right Coalition Emerge After The Next EU Elections?”, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Executive Education, 18 August 2023
Brunello Rosa and Alessandro Tentori, “Central bank digital currencies, reserve currencies and geopolitics”, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Systemic Risk Centre Special Paper Vol. 21, Financial Markets Group Special Papers SP 263, 27 May 2022
Brunello Rosa and Alessandro Tentori, “CBDCs: Potential Impact on Bank Profitability, Asset and Risk Management and Financial Stability”, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Systemic Risk Centre Special Paper Vol. 22, Financial Markets Group Special Papers SP 264, 27 May 2022
Angela Antetomaso, Brunello Rosa, Nouriel Roubini, “Ten Years After the Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Outcomes, Lessons Learnt”, Systemic Risk Centre, The London School of Economics and Political Science, SRC Special Paper Vol. 15, 12 September 2018
Brunello Rosa, Alessandro Tentori "The geopolitical relevance of central bank digital currencies", VOX-EU CEPR, 26 June 2021
Brunello Rosa, "Helicoptering money into Europe - The virtual credit card solution", CEPS in Brief, 6 May 2020
Brunello Rosa, "Post-Covid Recovery: Deglobalized and A-synchronous", Aspenia International, Issue 89-90 - October 2020, pages 96 -102.
Brunello Rosa, “Italy And European Political Risks Suggest Defensive Positioning”, Gold Investor, World Gold Council, 4 July 2018
Stephane Klecha, Brunello Rosa and Nouriel Roubini, Technology Fast-Tracking A Multifaceted European Integration, Horizons - Centre for International Relations and Sustainable Development, Summer 2021, issue n.19.
Alessandro Tentori and Brunello Rosa, "Central bank digital currencies, reserve currencies and geopolitics", Research AXA - IM, 9 June 2021
Brunello Rosa, "Se non ora, quando? L’occasione da non mancare per il rientro dei cervelli", Econopoly, IlSole24Ore, 1 October 2020
Brunello Rosa, "Per Mario Draghi un futuro a Palazzo Chigi o al Quirinale?", Econopoly, IlSole24Ore, 27 July 2020
Brunello Rosa, "La fascinazione bipartisan per la MMT e il sogno della spesa senza vincoli", Econopoly, IlSole24Ore, 24 May 2020
Brunello Rosa, "MES, conoscere per deliberare invece dell’inutile guerra civile ideologica", Econopoly, IlSole24Ore, 20 April 2020
Brunello Rosa, “Qui Si Fa L’Europa Flessibile O Si Muore”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 6/2016 (“Brexit E Il Patto Delle Anglospie”), 4 July 2016, pp. 23-35.
Brunello Rosa, “Draghi, L’Euro e il Futuro del Whatever It Takes”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 3/2016 (“Bruxelles, il Fantasma dell’Europa”), 7 April 2016
Brunello Rosa, “Le Radici Economico-Finanziarie della Possibile Guerra Mondiale”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 2/2016 (“La Terza Guerra Mondiale?”), 29 February 2016
Brunello Rosa, “Euro, La Moneta di Cristallo”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 7/2015 (“Tra Euro e Neuro”), 1 July 2015
Brunello Rosa, “La Guerra Delle Valute”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 2/2015 (“Moneta e Impero”), 26 February 2015
Brunello Rosa and Raffaele Cantone, “Per Crescere Serve Abbattere La Corruzione”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 11/2014 (“Quel che resta dell’ Italia”), 18 November 2014
Brunello Rosa, “La City Sconta La Fine Dell’Europa”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 10/2014 (“L’Impero è Londra”), 15 October 2014
Brunello Rosa, “Rigore Meno Austerità Uguale Crescita”, Limes – Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Vol. 4/2013 (“L’Italia di Nessuno”), 7 May 2013
Brunello Rosa, “A “Fiscal Debit Card” (With An Expiry Date) to Boost Italy’s GDP”, Roubini EconoMonitor, 14 August 2015
Brunello Rosa, “UK Budget: An Electoral “Statement””, Roubini EconoMonitor, 3 December 2014
Brunello Rosa, “The City of London in a New Geopolitical Order”, Roubini EconoMonitor, 5 November 2014
Brunello Rosa and Raffaele Conte, “Italy: Clamp Down Corruption to Jump Start Growth”, Roubini EconoMonitor, 22 July 2014
Brunello Rosa, “A Program Of “Rigor Without Austerity” For The Italian Government”, Roubini EconoMonitor, 7 May 2013
Brunello Rosa, Lucio Caracciolo, “Europe in the Brexit & Trump Era—Dis-Integration and Re-Grouping”, LUISS School Of European Political Economy, Policy Brief, 2 March 2017
Brunello Rosa, Flavio Mondello Malvestiti, “Italian Immigration To The UK: Curse or Opportunity?”, The Association of Talented Italians in The UK, Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK, 14 December 2018
Nouriel Roubini, Brunello Rosa, “We Are Due A Recession In 2020 – And We Will Lack The Tools To Fight It”, Project Syndicate Economists, Financial Crisis, The Guardian, 13 September 2018
Brunello Rosa, “The French Presidential Election Is A Terrifying Farce That Everyone Needs To Pay Attention To”, Business Insider Italia, 27 May 2017
Brunello Rosa, "Coronavirus, rischio di ulteriore stagnazione per l’economia globale", 5 February 2020
Brunello Rosa, “Pericolo scampato? No, il tempo gioca a favore dei partiti sovranisti”, 29 May 2019
Brunello Rosa, “L’opinione: Il Ritorno Alle Urne Sarebbe Un Rischio Per Gli Italiani”, Londra Italia, 30 May 2018
Brunello Rosa, "Finanza regionale e locale e sostenibilità ambientale nel conteso del nascente federalismo italiano", Il Pensiero economico moderno, Vol. 23(1/2), 2003, pp. 65-98